What a fantastic turn out we had at the Tourism Forum at Maldon Golf Club. The committee would like to thank everyone who contributed. We are still looking at the survey that many of you completed.
August has been a busy month for the BMA committee…planning & strategising. We will hold our annual AGM 26th October and are now looking for members who would like to a little more active to contact us. Maybe you’d like to be on the committee, a sub committee or have a suggestion for an event?
We will soon be holding regular Friday night networking drinks (venue and date to be advised). This will be a casual, drop in networking time. Great excuse to have a drink and meet other members of BMA. Keep an eye out for the email invitation.
Take a Stand
With support from the Department of Justice, Women’s Health Loddon Mallee is offering workplaces the opportunity to participate in Loddon Mallee Takes a Stand, a bystander program that aims to prevent violence against women before it occurs.
Violence against women is a public health and social issue. It’s a whole of community issue.
Workplaces will receive support to implement policy, training and practical tools to act as partners in the fight to prevent violence against women. Workplaces will also be supported to implement policy and appropriately respond to disclosures of violence.
The program recognises that we all have a role in addressing the culture that allows violence to occur and confront the attitudes, beliefs and distorted values that justify, excuse and minimise violence against women.
This is a free workshop for BMA members.